Sunday, August 14, 2005


Yesterday Amanda and I went blueberry picking - there's a man in town who has 6 acres of blueberry bushes, most are 20-25 years old. He can't possibly pick them all, and he sells them to local markets and co-ops. He lets locals come up and pick, and for every 4 pints you pick you get to take one home for free. You can also just go buy some, but the picking was fun. We picked over 20 pints and took home five. We polished off three pints last night! They are HUGE and so good. The kids want to go back today but right now it's pouring rain. We'll see how the weather is later.

He said they will keep coming until the first hard frost. Looks like we've got a lot of picking in our future over the next month or two. It's great to be able to help this old man and get something in return at the same time. :)