Sunday, August 28, 2005

Back to reality

It's Sunday evening and we're back from vacation. We had a great time - would have liked to stay longer. The kids start school tomorrow, I start my new job tomorrow too, and we're trying to get the house put back together now that the painters are finished painting. We moved all the furniture back in that we had stored in the garage all week, but hanging pictures, etc. will have to wait. I sat down at the computer a little while ago and got a handle on how much money we spent on vacation and what our finances are like going into the new week, and I went to the store to get basic groceries for the next few days. The dog has finished throwing up (hopefully) due to his transition from my friend's house back to ours, and the cats have realized that their time of lounging and running free gleefully through the house has ended now that he's back.

When we got home I was checking messages and got one from my grandmother - telling me that my uncle died on Friday. I had talked to him right before we left, and told him I was coming to see him in 2 weeks. He said he would wait for me, but he needed to go sooner. He was in so much pain and had suffered silently for so long. The service is Wednesday, so I'll need to tell my new boss tomorrow that I need Wed & Thurs off...I'm sure he'll understand, but I still starting this way. Still, though, my grandmother and my aunt need me there and I want to say goodbye to him. The kids will probably come too - they'll just make up their work at school over the weekend. He's at peace - up in heaven with my mother - his sister and only sibling. My poor grandmother has had to bury both her children - that's just so wrong. She was with him when he went, though, and was able to hold him as he went. She didn't get that with my mother - I don't know if one is better than the other - sudden al s or long, drawn-out ones. She is such an incredible woman - I've known that since I was a little . I just dread the day that I have to say goodbye to her too.

Now I'm off to prepare for tomorrow - *deep breath* - it's going to be a busy week...

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