Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Quite a crazy day...

It was busy!! Between getting the triglyceride numbers mixed up by the nurse, to the chest pains, I have had enough of medical stuff for one day. I am so grateful that I have such a wonderful, calming doctor who took the time to explain everything to me and made me feel at peace about everything. He's the best. I'm also grateful for all my online friends who took the time to check in on me and make sure I was ok. (((hugs)))

Tomorrow I meet with V about the potential job. The ad comes out in the paper tomorrow morning so it will finally be safe for us to talk openly about it. Hopefully she'll be able to make me an offer and it will be something I can accept. *crossing fingers* From the tone of our conversations over the last few days, though, I feel pretty positive about it. Once that hurdle is behind me and I give my notice I can go on vacation and move forward...

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