Sunday, September 18, 2005

I had a plan...

The plan was to buy my uncle's Harley, get a used Wrangler to drive on rainy days and in the winter, give little Mike my old Explorer, and big Mike could trade in his truck so we could have a larger pickup or some sort of family vehicle. It was perfect. Then the Explorer heard about the plan and let us know how she felt about it - she cut out completely, right on the interstate. Now she's in the shop, waiting to get some expensive work done, while I drive the totally awesome F-150 quad cab that the dealer gave me to use until I get her back. I still want the Harley - I still want my plan to come together. I've always wanted a Jeep, with the top off, hair flying in the wind and the sun on my back. I've always secretly wanted to drive a bike too - now I can. My uncle was short, just a little taller than me, so I'm pretty sure I could handle his bike. where to get the funds? That's another plan, one that I haven't totally come up with yet. But my aunt knows that I want it and she won't sell it to anyone else. It will wait.


Dawn Rossbach said...

I used to date a guy with a Harley and I had many good times with him. It will be great when you can swing the funds and take it for a spin. Every time one drives by, I look up. The sound of a Harley is so sweet.

Sorry to hear about your uncle.

Smart Mouth said...

Lisa, what fun! I have ALWAYS wanted to ride a motorcycle. I can just picture you flying through town, up into those beautiful Vermont hills (er, mountains?) :)

I hope you figure out how to swing it. I also hole the Explorer decides to quit the temper tantrum!!


fuquinay said...

Lisa, did you ever get that Harley? My husband has two motorcycles and loves them. I've only secretly wanted to learn to ride, but I'm terrified of them. I want to recommend that you read The Perfect Vehicle. It's probably the first nonfiction book I'd read in ages for sheer enjoyment—eight years ago, when my husband turned 40. That absolutely sparked my love for nonfiction.

Don't abandon all your plans. You will regret not having some of the toys you want.